Voodoo, slaktade valpar och skadade genitalier

Nu ska vi göra en djupdykning och lära oss:
* hur man dödar en artist genom att slakta sin egen hund och dricka dess blod
* hur Michael Jacksons genitalier såg ut
* att man kan döda 25 personer genom att offra 42 kor.

Randi.org är en sällan sinande källa för den som vill läsa om galna människor. Läste häromveckan ett inlägg med en länk till en artikel om en voodookärring som slog alla rekord i sjukhet.

Hon (De Souza) menar tydligen att hon tog livet av Michael Jackson genom en ritual där hon skar halsen av en hundvalp!!!!!!!!!!

Jackson was a frequent guest at Dr. De Souza’s home, which doubles as her clinic. She made him her primary patient, using her expertise in lithotherapy, the use of stones, crystals, and minerals for their healing properties. Jackson bathed in tubs filled with agate, garnet, and aventurine. He drank potent mixtures of distilled water mixed with emerald dust, and pasteurized goat milk chilled with round stones of lapis lazuli. He grew stronger under De Souza’s care, until the doctor asked for the unusual payment Jackson had promised her — the skeleton of Joseph Merrick, the Elephant Man, which Jackson reportedly owned.

”If he’d kept his word to me, he would be alive today,” snorted De Souza, sipping her tea. ”The cretin thought he could backstab me after I’d devoted so much energy to curing him.

”They think someone pumped him full of Demerol,” she spat, her rage building. ”It was a curse I learned long ago in São Paulo [Brazil] that stopped his heart. As soon as your story hits the street, the whole world will know that I — Dr. Reinalda de Souza — killed Jacko!”


Three black candles are set on a high, rickety table next to the far wall. On the table is a photo of Jackson onstage during a concert that seems, judging by his clothing, from the time of the HIStory album, in the late 1990s. Though the photo has been turned upside down, the inscription is legible, ”Thank you for everything, Dr. De Souza. Michael.”

In front of the photo in a tin ashtray are a lock of jet-black hair, a small mound of nail clippings, and what look like skin shavings, all purportedly from Jackson. On the floor are three wooden bowls from which blood has spilled over. The rotting carcass of a baby Rottweiler lies before the bowls, its throat slit, a bloody knife next to it. In the corner of the room is a plain, white, voodoo-type doll with pins in its chest. Scrawled over the walls in the dog’s dried blood is the phrase ”JACKO DIES.”


As for the dead puppy, De Souza explained that real evil must accompany desired evil, and that she had to sacrifice a life dear to her in order to rob Jacko of his. The dog was hers, a 4½-month-old pup she’d brought home from the pound and dubbed Cerberus, for the canine that guards the gates of Hades in Greek mythology. She sliced his neck and held him as he jerked, allowing his warm blood to spill into the bowls beneath her feet. She drank from one to set the ritual in motion, turning with blood-stained hands to the voodoo doll.

Jag svärtade några meningar om hennes hundvalp som hon tydligen tvingades döda för att Jackson skulle dö. Det är ju t.o.m. galnare än det vanliga voodoo mumbu-jumbot med nålar i en docka.

Själv ser jag inte riktigt kopplingen mellan att hon dödar sin kära hund och dricker dess blod, och Jacksons död….. varför skulle det ena leda till det andra?

Undrar om hon tror på det här själv? Eller om hon bara svamlar för att få uppmärksamhet, skrämmas, och kunna tjäna lite pengar?

Anledningen till att hon var sur på Jackson var att han inte som utlovat betalade henne med kvarlevorna till den missbildade s.k. ”Elefantmannen”.

Hon avslöjar även en del om Jacksons dragning till små pojkar:

”He was not doing drugs like OxyContin while he was visiting me,” De Souza insists. ”But he did confess to liking little boys. I don’t care what Uri Geller said. He never liked the little girls.”

Disgusted, De Souza set about curing Jackson of what she called his ”unnatural desire” through the use of black onyx and acupuncture applied directly to Jackson’s genitals. Often she would leave Jackson on a massage table, completely nude, with long needles protruding from his privates, while De Souza went grocery shopping. She has photos of Jackson in this unusual state, which she shared for this report. But she refuses to allow them to be reproduced for publication.

Michael Jackson låg alltså naken på ett massagebord med nålar i skrevet medan voodoohäxan gick och handlade! Vi ska kanske vara tacksamma för att bilderna på detta inte fick publiceras.

Och det här för oss in på djupet när det gäller Michael Jacksons privatliv:

”After Jackson would leave, she would wrap his genitals with a necklace of black onyx. Its negative energy, she insists, sapped him of what desire he had left after the acupuncture treatments.

”I will say this, his genitals looked exactly like the description that came out of that first child-molestation case, the one where he paid off the boy’s family for more than $20 mil,” confides De Souza. ”You can barely make it out in the photos, but his genitals were mottled, with brown lesions. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

De Souza is referring to the description given in 1993 by then-13-year-old Jordan ”Jordie” Chandler, whose family was famously paid off by Jackson. But before the case was settled for more than $20 million, Jackson had to submit to an intimate inspection by police detectives, which he later told the world he found humiliating.

Michael Jacksons genitalier var alltså ”marmorerade av bruna lesioner”, alltså fläckad av kroppsskador. Voodookvinnan menar alltså att hans kön såg ut som beskrivningen som gavs i samband med pedofildramat 1993, då även polisen inspekterade Jacksons underliv för att kolla trovärdigheten i vittnesmålet.

Tydligen har Jacko snurrat omkring i new age och övernaturlighetsbranschen länge och mycket:

”But Jackson’s friendships with illusionists, psychics, and healers such as Chopra were tame by comparison to the revelations in a 2003 Vanity Fair exposé by journalist Maureen Orth. Here, the subject of voodoo once again reared its head, like one of the undead in Jackson’s Thriller video. In the piece, Orth detailed how Jackson once paid $150,000 for a Malian witch doctor named Baba to have 42 cows ritually sacrificed as part of a ceremony enacted to kill off 25 people on Jackson’s enemies list, including media mogul David Geffen and film director Steven Spielberg.”

Jacko betalade alltså 150 tusen dollar för att få en häxdoktor att offra 42 kor för att bli av med 25 personer på Jacksons dödslista. Det vet jag inte om jag riktigt ska tro på, var Jackson verkligen så mordgalen och full av hat?

Apropå hat och mord, voodoogalningen DeSouza tror att hon kunnat förbättra Adolf Hitler:

”I think if I was able to go back in time and treat Adolf Hitler’s various psychopathic disorders, using lithotherapy, magnet healing, and shiatsu, the world would be a far different place.”

Farrah Fawcett fick tydligen varma stenar på stjärten av voodoohäxan DeSouza.

Farrah Fawcett fick tydligen varma kvartsstenar på stjärten av voodoohäxan DeSouza. Det hjälpte inte. Tänk så konstigt och oväntat att effekten uteblev!

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