”In 1999, near the tail end of the longest and most powerful bull market in U.S. history, Dent brought out his book The Roaring 2000s Investor, confidently predicting that the Dow would hit 44,000 by 2008. He was off by 35,000 points or so.
Dent also argued forcefully at the time for Nasdaq stocks – the worst investment you could make in the New Era bubble – and predicted “the technology revolution will favor internet-oriented companies.”
Within three years, the Nasdaq lost three quarters of its value and the leading index of internet stocks plummeted 89 percent.
Bloodied but unbroken, five years later, using his same “demographic trends theory,” Dent published The Next Great Bubble Boom: How to Profit from the Greatest Boom in History: 2006-2010.
Well, no. That period encapsulated a full-blown financial crisis and the biggest stock market bust since the Great Depression. In the book, he argued again that the Dow would hit 40,000, this time by 2009. The benchmark plummeted to less than 6,500 in the spring of that year instead.
With a track record like this, you might imagine Mr. Dent would get out of the economic prognostication game and think about, say, flipping pancakes or running a daycare center. But no, near the market bottom two years ago, he unleashed The Great Depression Ahead.
Within weeks of the book’s publication, the financial crisis began to ebb, the economy moved out of recession and the Dow began one of its most powerful rallies of the last 100 years. Corporate profits hit an all-time record. And within two years, the S&P 500, with dividends reinvested, doubled.”
Källa: InvestmentU. Och nu säger tydligen kontraindikatorn Harry Dent i sin nya bok att det blir en jättekrasch som vänder först 2013. Det året lär alltså blir bra på börsen, frågan är bara hur det går under det närmaste året.
Och karriärister kan dra lärdomen att det handlar inte om att ha rätt, utan om att sticka ut hakan och skrämmas eller skapa hallelujastämning. Marknadsföring, förpackning, kommunikation, kontakter, etc.
Kan Dent tjäna pengar på att ha helt fel så kan andra. Ta bara majoriteten av alla krönikörer. Fy fan sån skit de flesta skriver.